At a Glance Q2 2023

Logistics market Leipzig

Logistikmarkt Leipzig BNPPRE
185,000 m²
+2 %
H1 2023 vs. H1 2022
+37 %


  • Despite challenging economic conditions, the Leipzig logistics market continues its series of high take-up volumes in the first half of 2023. At 185,000 m², it is up by 2 % on the previous year and exceeds the ten-year average by 37 %. This makes Leipzig one of the few large logistics agglomerations to achieve a result above its average. This excellent figure is supported by a major lease in Bitterfeld-Wolfen, where a manufacturing company is taking over a total of around 86,000 m².

  • Overall, demand in all segments is at a stable high level and continues to exceed the available space on offer.

  • The rent level has continued to rise, as in most other large logistics markets. The top rent now stands at 5.60 €/m² (+19 %) and the average rent at 4.70 €/m² (+16 %).


  • The distribution of take-up by size category reflects the large leasing accordingly. At almost 47 %, the category above 20,000 m² shows the highest share of take-up. In addition, the segment between 12,000 and 20,000 m² is also well occupied with 23 % and a total of three contracts from logistics firms in Halle and Kabelsketal. In addition, the segment of 8,000 to 12,000 m² accounts for around 17 %.

  • In the sector distribution, manufacturing companies, supported by the contract in Bitterfeld-Wolfen, contribute more than half of the result (55 %) and are thus well above their long-term average. While logistics firms account for around a third, wholesale/retail companies are still underrepresented at 5 % in the Leipzig sector balance, which is normally quite evenly distributed in a long-term comparison.

  • So far, hardly any owner-occupier deals (around 3 %) have been recorded and the share of new construction is still at a comparatively low level of 17 %.



  • The Leipzig logistics market is showing a very good result at mid-year and continues to enjoy stable demand. As there are currently speculative projects under construction that are expected to be completed this year, it can be assumed that a high take-up result should also be achieved by the end of the year.

  • While some companies are taking a wait-and-see approach due to the economic environment, other industries are continuing their consolidation course and adapting their supply chains. In addition, the topics of e-commerce, transformation of the automotive industry and increasing digitalisation remain important drivers of demand.

  • The rent level, which has already risen noticeably, is likely to continue to rise. This is due to the limited supply, the increased construction and financing costs as well as the high construction requirements for the implementation of the ESG criteria.



86.000 m²

14.700 m²
Logistics firm

14.300 m²
Böhm & Schaaf Internationale Spedition

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Publisher and copyright: BNP Paribas Real Estate GmbH | Prepared by: BNP Paribas Real Estate Consult GmbH | Status: 30.06.2023
Further Information: Christopher Raabe, Head of Logistics & Industrial | Phone +49 (0)40-348 48-0
Photo credits: Adobe Stock / C. By A. Fink; Mathias Weil